Church or rather what Jesus came to establish and build was an (Ekklesia) or democratic assembly a governmental foundation for his citizenry in His Kingdom. Eph 2:19-22
The assembly or congregation (think Assemblyman or Congress) that Jesus began, is set to fight the demonic authorities found in Eph 6:12, serve the needs of His people and invite all people to join and become citizens in the His coming Kingdom. Possibly to even protect them from the established human governments and religions that would attempt to contain them.
What happens on a typical “Sunday morning” is more in line with the synagogue and temple settings, which the early Christians still did or rather used for meeting places. This is best defined by the Greek word Kyriakos; a word never used in the New Testament.
I would be happy to find a little of 1 Cor 14:26-33
26 …Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. 27 If anyone speaks in a tongue, let there be two or at the most three, each in turn, and let one interpret…
While a little conspiratorial 🙂 this guy does a pretty good job with ecclesia.
It is like the citizenry in England in the fabled story of Robin, the Hood.
There, the people live under the ruler-ship of (acting King) Prince John, a tyrant. He takes from his person’s anything and everything he wants. Through poor management and an insatiable apatite, he consumes more than he takes and continues to desire more. Robin of Loxley, a titled man, a man of means and some authority sees this King a disaster, but “believes” it is his title and rightful position. Robin eventually hears whispers that King Richard, thought to be dead or captured, is alive and rescuable. If this is true, Prince John and his Kingdom are a fraud and counterfeit (metaphor). Prince John claims he is something he is not.
Robin had the same choice to make as did the Rich-Young-Ruler. Should he continue to serve under a false King, maintaining his status and wealth or should he begin to serve the True King, one in prison and not yet on His throne? If Robin chooses the latter, he disposes of everything that he is today and becomes an enemy of the current King, the powers, and principalities in high places of the Kingdom?Robin heroically makes the decision the Young Ruler in Matthew could not. A true leader (shepherd) Robin begins to collect the poor, disenfranchised and mistreated.
Faith among the community builds as Robin, and his men began to provide and protect (Shepherd) for those hiding from Prince John in the forest. Also, Robin encounters and collects fellow followers of King Richard, who were scattered and in hiding from, Prince John in his Sherriff. Separate they are powerless, but together they change from irritation to a threat to being treasonous.Robin with his men and a collection of people began to live in a community cultivating a culture and faith in the Kingdom to come. At the same, they become a greater enemy of the current
Kingdom/State.Robin taunts them with miraculous feats of archery and gymnastic [at least in the cartoon 🙂 ]. He “steals” from them, what is not theirs, and brings gifts to the damaged and hungry. Apostolic he empowers farmers and shopkeepers to stand firm and loyal to the coming King Richard. More people bear testimony and witness to King Richard’s return and to the things Robin does in His name. A Kingdom is being built within a Kingdom.
Eventually, Prince John is defeated, the sheriff is put into his own prison and the religious establishment banished. Richard comes out of bondage and regains His rightful place as King.
The new Kingdom has a wonderful head-start. A whole citizenry (government), community and culture are already well under way. Instead of walking into an abandoned castle as refugees, they can re-inter familiar walls as a body or family prone to project, trust and care for each other. King Richard brings headship to a body yearning for just that.