While I was watering Cricket’s plants in her week-long absence, the following thought occurred to me:
- I had no idea how much water to feed her plants. (or how often).
- I had no idea which ones were healthy.
- I had no idea which ones were sick or in need of minor care, …or how to tend to either.
- I had no idea if they were ready for harvest (if they were under-ripe, ripe or over ripe).
- I had no idea if they were good for food.
- I had no idea if they were weeds that if consumed, would make me sick (the only way I could even guess, was if they resided in the designated garden areas), i.e., a church.
- I had no idea if they were weeds that may damage the good for food plants (those that I should be protecting).
If Cricket were to not return, I could water them according to Cricket’s instructions (until winter), but I would not know when to harvest, how to prepare (eat) or when and what to replant. I would water them until death. (I don’t mean over water).
I think I am a bad plant cultivator.
Are you current pastors mere managers or are they cultivators? If so what are they growing?