Pastoring ≠ Cultivating

Tuesday, July 15, 2014 0

While I was watering Cricket's plants in her week-long absence, the following thought occurred to me: I had no idea how much water to feed her plants. (or how often). I had no idea which ones were healthy. I had no idea which ones were sick or in need of minor care, …or how to ...


Tuesday, July 15, 2014 0

An email from a friend: Taylor, Concerning your insight on how church gets off track, and how the focus should be producing fruit and not building a church organization... Christ is causing our church to take a closer look at discipleship and mature believers, and attached is a short PDF of the model I am working on for ...

A letter to a good friend

Tuesday, July 15, 2014 0

I love you too, brother. Great times (and some tough ones)! but we preserver. Thank you for the compliment, "one of the REAL ones" that means a lot to me. I have had many, many shifts in my understanding of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the past year. A few months ago, it became clear while ...

Church ≠ Ekklesia

Tuesday, July 15, 2014 0

Church or rather what Jesus came to establish and build was an (Ekklesia) or democratic assembly a governmental foundation for his citizenry in His Kingdom. Eph 2:19-22 The assembly or congregation (think Assemblyman or Congress) that Jesus began, is set to fight the demonic authorities found in Eph 6:12, serve the needs of His people and ...

Tolerance ≠ Love!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014 0

Tolerance has come to this world, an enemy of Love, a counterfeit suited to our current culture's wicked appetites. A notion crafted in darkness but made to look like light. It masquerades as Love merely conspiring to destroy the miraculous transformation made possible through the Love of Jesus. Tolerance is a lie. Tolerance is not Love!