This is a really good and fun piece on how Jesus dealt with tyranny, especially the tyranny that was supposed to be "on His side." He most defiantly goes after the (church) Jewish leadership, and He gets them over and over. :) But He doesn't really go after Rome "the Government." This also leaves out Jesus's more ...
Politics is Power, strangely Jesus wasn’t.

My Christian friends on Facebook keep telling me who I should or shouldn't vote for. Politics is about POWER. At the Presidential level, the pursuit of political office is the pursuit of ultimate POWER. This alone is everything OPPOSITE of Jesus. Phil 2:4-11. We are a theology built on the notion that Jesus freed us from the ...
Feeling Ripped Off
Dear Paster Frank, I attended your Romans bible study for the first time last Wednesday night at the same time my six-year-old daughter, Willow attends your children's program, Sparks. She was so excited that I was attending a class just like she was she could hardly wait to get there. After class was over for the ...
Sunday’s Coming
I wish I wrote this: