A letter to a good friend

Tuesday, July 15, 2014 0

I love you too, brother. Great times (and some tough ones)! but we preserver. Thank you for the compliment, "one of the REAL ones" that means a lot to me. I have had many, many shifts in my understanding of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the past year. A few months ago, it became clear while ...

Church ≠ Ekklesia

Tuesday, July 15, 2014 0

Church or rather what Jesus came to establish and build was an (Ekklesia) or democratic assembly a governmental foundation for his citizenry in His Kingdom. Eph 2:19-22 The assembly or congregation (think Assemblyman or Congress) that Jesus began, is set to fight the demonic authorities found in Eph 6:12, serve the needs of His people and ...

Tolerance ≠ Love!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014 0

Tolerance has come to this world, an enemy of Love, a counterfeit suited to our current culture's wicked appetites. A notion crafted in darkness but made to look like light. It masquerades as Love merely conspiring to destroy the miraculous transformation made possible through the Love of Jesus. Tolerance is a lie. Tolerance is not Love!  

Is Church an Ekklesia?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014 0

A man, new to the area, walks into a local gym seeking a place to work out. Upon entering the House of Fitness (with is close to your house) he see a lot of nice friendly people. A greeter walks up to welcome him. Of course, hoping he will join. A greeter shows him where ...

Take a Step

Tuesday, July 15, 2014 0

When I was in junior high, my dad explained to me how the human walks or rather the Kinesiology behind the mechanics of how we walk. He said that technically we, in taking a step, throw ourselves off-balance and then catch ourselves, over and over. I remember laying in bed and thinking about how cool ...

once upon a time…

Sunday, June 15, 2014 0

I took my daughter to see Cinderella last night. I had told her that it was a musical. However, she just couldn't quite picture what it was going to be like, so she adapted. The only reasonable mental picture she could fathom was a movie. My wife and I both told her multiple times that ...